Butter dish - Royal Sphinx - model RECAMIER executed in cream colour
Butter dish - Royal Sphinx - model RECAMIER executed in cream colour
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Royal Sphinx
Butter dish - Royal Sphinx - model RECAMIER executed in cream colour
Dinner plate - Royal Sphinx Maastricht - executed in brown color with a kind of braided edge
Milk cup / Soup cup - so called convex belly cup - Sphinx Regout - ochre yellow pastel
Bottom dish / Saucer - Royal Sphinx - décor in brown with a braided border
Tureen / Cover dish - Royal Sphinx - décor with different flowers in various colors
Tureen / Cover dish - Royal Sphinx - décor with different flowers in various colors
Oven dish / Paté dish - oval, higher, model with lid - De Sphinx (Maastricht) - décor CANDY-STRIPE PARAFEU
Egg cup - Royal Sphinx - Walt Disney Productions - décor with kwik and kwek (or kwak?)
Soup bowl / Soup cup - model with 2 ears in square - Royal Sphinx - executed in gray/blue color
Saucer - Royal Sphinx - version with an ochre yellow rim about 1 cm. wide
Milk Cup / Mug - children's model - unmarked but Royal Sphinx - décor with music-making gnomes
Milk Cup / Mug - children's model - unmarked but Royal Sphinx - décor with gnomes in rain/storm
Plate / Bowl - very large oval model - Royal Sphinx - shape BOUDEWIJN - décor PIOENROOSJE
Cup and saucer - Royal Sphinx - décor with flowers on a blue/gray background
Coffee set consisting of coffee pot, sugar bowl, milk jug and 6 cups and saucers - Royal Sphinx
Gravy boat / Sauce bowl - Royal Sphinx - 1963 - décor HUNGARY executed in yellow with white inside
Cache pot / Flower pot - Royal Sphinx 1960 - décor of pink roses with gold bands
Coaster - encased in metal holder - Sphinx Maastricht - décor of a red rose
Dessert dish / Flat bowl - Royal Sphinx - décor in yellow rings with green stylized leaves
Dessert dish / Flat bowl - Royal Sphinx - décor in yellow rings with green stylized leaves